Will Coronavirus change the way we live in our homes?

As a home designer in Houston Texas, I have been asking myself this question quite a lot, and I have decided the answer is yes. Maybe this will be a good thing.
Normally, our front porch is not used often except for greeting guests and to collect our mail.
Here’s an idea, why not move our mudroom bench on to the front porch and so we have a place to leave our shoes, so not to bring in germs and dirt into our homes. If your garage is the main entrance, the mud bench could be moved into the garage for the same purpose.
If you have a healthcare provider in the home, a good idea would be to create a second laundry room in the garage for cleaning uniforms. That way everyday laundry could be kept separate and hopefully safe from cross contamination.
How about carving out an area outside where home delivery foods can be put into a cool place or even a special designated space for packages so they can remain safe until you can retrieve them and bring them safely into your home.
Since you have been spending so much time in your kitchen lately, have you noticed it is not as efficient as you would like? Does your kitchen seem cramped? Perhaps you have a work triangle and you can only comfortably fit one person in your kitchen.
If you have an open style kitchen, is it loud, are odors traveling throughout your home? In that case, it might be a good idea to divide your kitchen into work areas so more than one person can be in the kitchen working comfortably.
Well that is a lot to think about for now, I will continue next month with the home office and what about that game room we never use????