Wisdom Teeth
David Miller DDS, Commack Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
How to get wiser without wisdom … Wisdom teeth do not improve with age. A common refrain from the parents of teenagers is that they have big mouths.
Although that might be true, those mouths are usually not big enough for wisdom teeth to grow. Early extraction can avoid complications and other health problems.
Statistics are high. Nine out of ten young adults have an impacted wisdom tooth. Complications are higher for wisdom teeth removal in adults than they are from teenagers.
Many patients believe that as long as they experience no pain, they do not have to worry about their wisdom teeth.
Unfortunately pain free is not the absence of disease free. The fact is that bacteria that can cause gum disease can grow around your ͞wise͟ teeth before symptoms let you know that something is wrong.
A teen’s wisdom tooth is not fully matured, their roots have not yet developed making surgery less involved.
Tooth decay also is a problem. Research shows that 40% of younger adults have cavities in their wisdom teeth – a condition difficult to treat.
Cyst and tumors can occur in an impacted wisdom tooth. As the cyst grows it may damage the jaw or neighboring teeth.
In summary, wisdom teeth do not improve with age. We all like to believe we get wiser the older we get; however that is not true of our wisdom teeth. Good things don’t always come to those who wait.
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