Working From Home Our New Normal?

It seems as though “normal” is being redefined daily. One thing is clear, life goes on and we each have to adjust to our own reality.  

Working from home is one of those new realities. Finding a space that gives you the quiet and privacy to work efficiently can be a challenge. Even before COVID-19 changed our lives, people were working from home more and more.

The home office is no longer a luxury it is now a necessity.   The home office requirements are going to vary depending on the business:  

Sound Deadening – so calls and video conferencing can sound professional and the rest of the homes occupants are not inconvenienced.

WiFi – an uninterrupted connection is a must for any home office today.

Natural Light – if at all possible natural light provides emotional, intellectual and psychological benefits.

Storage – efficient storage for essential items.

Big Screens – hook up for big screen and/or multiple monitors if required.

A Focal Wall – for those video chats, what is it that the person on the other end of that chat seeing?  

To all those who are on the front lines and all the essential workers leaving their homes every day – Thank you!  

To all those who have lost loved ones or have had loved ones infected by this horrible virus our hearts are with you.  

Health and resilience to all as we work through this crisis together.