Some “Shocking” Information

The idea for writing this developed from a need amongst our clients and prospective clients. The subject matter — surge suppression —isn’t exactly what you would call exciting, and it shows how much of a nerd I am about technology. As a matter of fact, when this offering is working correctly, it’s completely invisible to…

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Controlling sound through Design

By Luis Cortes of Echo Workshop Have you ever sat in that restaurant where the volume is ever increasing as the patrons all  talk over each other? At the beginning of the evening that restaurant was a quiet place where one could hear the subtle music coming from the speakers, but as the room started…

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Design with wellness lighting in mind

By Luis Cortes of Echo Workshop Sunrise at the beach playing in the sand, jumping into the water, and feeling the sun upon your back. Mid-day at the park throwing the Frisbee, barefoot on the grass while feeling the breeze upon your face as it rustles the nearby trees.  Sunset at the lake with the…

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